Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

Fruits It Healthy, But Can Cause Stomach Bloating

Alunite tratament - Diligent eating fruit is a healthy habit that should be done. The fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that act as antioxidants, preventing various diseases until the digestive system.But the fruit is not always healthy. How to eat fruits that are less precise can cause stomach feels bloated, uncomfortable and even potentially lead to obesity. Several types of fruit contain high sugar, mostly in the form of fructose and sorbitol (sugar alcohol) that both trigger the production of gas in the stomach. It's some kind of fruit you need to consider consumption, because it can make flatulence and discomfort.

1. Apples

Apples are rich in antioxidants, especially the kind of green apples that are known to have higher antioxidant content than berries. But if eaten every day, apples can interfere with the body. Apples contain a lot of fructose (fruit sugar), which for some people is difficult to digest. Apples processed when the body and digest the sugar, then the stomach feels like there is gas and akhitnya become bloated.

To prevent bloating, eat apples gradually. You can cut it in half and ate half his share to be chewed slowly. The other part you can eat two or three hours later. It could also cut it up and eat a little bit gradually. This will reduce the intake of fructose in the body. In addition to chewing slowly will give more time for the body to digest fiber and sugar.

2. Pears

Fruit that contains a water content of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and make the stomach feel full longer. But Pears also have a bit of sorbitol, which is a natural sugar alcohol. Sorbitol is often used as an additive in the manufacture of chewing gum.

In small amounts, sorbitol actually helps the digestive system. But for some people, sugar alcohols can make the stomach feel very bloated only with little to eat. Sorbitol need a long time to be absorbed in the small intestine than other types of sugar. After passing through the large intestine, undergo fermentation and process sugar that causes bloating, gas and cramping. There is no way considered appropriate to minimize the effects of sorbitol in the body, so you should limit their consumption, not every day.

3. Cherries, Grapes and Mango

Cherries, along with grapes and mango is a fruit that is high in sugar content. Several types of sugar in the fruit can not be fully absorbed in the small intestine so caught up in the colon and cause abdominal bloating. To prevent abdominal bloating by eating these fruits, chew perfectly until smooth, then swallowed. Also do not eat too much, just one cup at each meal and limit the consumption of carbohydrates and sugars such as white rice, white bread and chicken noodle.